How iCOMP Leverages Business Analytics

Business Analytics is the all-encompassing term for the process of collecting data from various disparate, unconnected sources and analysing the connections between them, providing an umbrella view of the organization as a whole.

Companies collect all sorts of data across the departments within their organization, be it data on staff salaries, marketing activities, customer statistics, sales, financing or investor and shareholder relations.

In most cases, this kind of departmental data remains siloed, even though it could provide useful insights for other departments too.

Business Analytics aims to unlock the unrealised potential of organizational data to provide actionable insights. This can lead to more efficient business practices, more targeted activities and an overall understanding of the company overall.

In today’s competitive business environment, with the constant threat of digital disruption, implementing strong Business Analytics is more important than ever.

Read how we leverage Business Analytics

Our Motto: “Challenge Convention”

The industry of business analytics has become a little cut-throat for our tastes. Partners are competitive rather than collaborative and regularly over-sell and under-deliver to customers.

At iCOMP we are determined not to get caught up in some of the customer-unfriendly practices that have become commonplace in the industry. We vow to remain focussed on the core values that got us into Analytics in the first place: the opportunity to create value for businesses through data insight.

It’s the thrill of this pursuit that got us into the game, and it’s what keeps us here. Everything else is just whitenoise.

Read how we “Challenge Convention”

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